Education. Health. Opportunity.
Wings for Women is committed to the empowerment of young girls and women by providing personal, social, and economic development counseling combined with safe and responsible sex and family planning education.
A world in which every woman and girl posses the education and skills to be self-sufficient so that they may be free to make their own choices.
Contraceptive use is often the lowest in countries with low socioeconomic standing, with an estimated 80 million women in developing countries having an unintended pregnancy every year. Less than 20 percent of women in Sub-Saharan Africa and only a third of women in South Asia have use modern contraceptives. The main problems that prevent the use of family planning methods are limited access, inadequate health care services, spousal disapproval, religious concerns, and misinformation. If women had access to their contraceptive method of choice, unintended pregnancies would drop by over 70%, newborn deaths would fall by 44%, and 150,000 maternal deaths would be avoided.